I’ve just finished writing my new book ‘HOW TO SLEEP’ – all the ‘do’s and don’ts’ for achieving a truly great night’s sleep. The journey of writing this book began when the publisher Michael Joseph Penguin Random House, asked me if I would be interested in writing my own book on the subject of how to get better sleep. Since I’ve been wanting to write this sleep book for some time, I lept at the opportunity, after having done the deal, I began to write, and write, and write… So it’s been some time since I’ve posted a sleep blog.
During the process of writing intensely every evening and all weekends and then towards the end even more than that, I was immersed in the world of sleep from a conscious point of view. I spoke to sleep scientists, sleep psychiatrists, sleep doctors, sleep experts, sleep technology manufacturers, sleep technologists, sleep surface manufacturers of pillows, mattresses, beds, and nutrition for achieving better sleep.
And although I learned that sleep is a very subjective experience, that we’re all different, and therefore how much sleep we need or get will vary from person to person, and night to night. For many people at eight hours is the ideal amount, some are fine on just seven hours a night, fewer than you think can sleep for less than this without long-term health problems over the horizon, and that obviously children need the most sleep. But the truth is, almost all of us could improve the amount of sleep that we get get, or allow ourselves to have.
And the enemies of sleep, or at least good quality sleep are basically these:
1, Not ENOUGH natural sunlight during the day.
2, Too MUCH artificial light during the evening.
3, Not going to bed at the same time every night.
4, Not waking up at the same time every morning.
5, Too much use of smart phones, tablets and electronics in the crucial hours before bed.
5, Over-stimulation of the mind before bed.
6, Too many stimulants, caffeine, nicotine, sugar affecting the metabolism at night.
7, Not getting enough exercise particularly during the day.
8, Eating too late at night.
9, Not being even close to following a sensible sleep hygiene list.
10, Allowing worries and anxiety free-reign in your brain lying in bed.
12, Not understanding which foods to eat to sleep well?
13, Not understanding the Circadian Rhythm.
I could go on, as I’ve learned so much from writing my sleep book. Now I’m moving on to my insomnia sleep programs, so that when my sleep book is published early spring next year 2019, all my other sleep coaching tools will be ready to help the sleep deprived to become sleep INSPIRED!
As always I wish you a great night sleep,
Max x